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One of the difficult parts of modeling space systems is scale.

  1. Space is huge, spacecraft are tiny.
  2. We must track of time on the order of nanoseconds (or better!) to model real systems.
  3. The numerical precision in our code is limited, and we're pushing those limits. (Example)

Even if we forget the idea of visualizing the system, the math still depends on very fine precision of these very large quantities.

Or that's what I assume. Let's pick apart this idea.

scale factor#

Can't we just shrink values down by some scale factor like \(10^-6\) and carry on? Maybe.

Scaling down the numbers doesn't get rid of the precision problem since the small deltas between values are important.

coordinate frames#

coordinates are how we describe positions of entities. Simple matrix math and rotations can translate a position from one coordinate frame to another.

For example, we can get a description of earth and moon motion with simple transformations: 1. get origin of earth-centered inertial frame. this is attached to earth. 2. get origin of moon-centered inertial frame. this is attached to moon. 3. transform (1) and (2) into the earth-moon barycenter inertial frame. the result is that both earth and moon are rotating about the barycenter. we have the earth moon orbits now.

global frames are the problem#

Normal astronomical coordinate frames are based on observable datums: Earth, the moon, Earth-moon barycenter, the sun, solar system barycenter, etc...

positions/velocities suffer the most here. We need precision both for large values, and for small changes.

  • Astronomical distances are huge. Even in ECI, coordinates at sea level are already at values like 6,000,000.0 meters.
  • Pointing error: fractions of an arcsecond of error accumulate into kilometers of error across astronomical scales.
  • Position/velocity error: at orbital speeds, a 1% error can lead to 100s of kilometers of error.
  • Timing error: Ranging is a measurement of time-of-flight. At the speed of light, 1 nanosecond of timing error leads to 30 cm of position error.
  • Relativity: Orbital speeds and altitudes (very large values for position and velocity) lead to very small timing differences of nanoseconds, which as we saw before, is significant.

local frames are the answer#

the traditional coordinate frames defined by nasa are not the only coordinate frames that exist.

we can chunk up our world space into many small frames. when an entity crosses the boundary between chunks, transform coordinates into the new chunk's coordinates.

this solves the scale problem by allowing the world to be very large, but without requiring entity position coordinates to be represented by enormous values. instead, whenever coordinates get too large in one frame, we transfer the representation into a frame closer to the entity (but still rigidly attached to the "world" space).

analogy: - instead of measuring my height as 73 inches, i denote it as 6 feet, 1 inch. - instead of measuring map coordinates as 4000 meters East, 200 meters North from the arbitrary origin chosen by the cartographer, we can say a location is 10 meters East, 1 meter North within grid square J4.

Implementing this idea of many small coordinate frames composing the world space is not trivial, but it is a solved problem. The Bevy plugin big_space addresses it by placingentities in a GridCell in a large fixed-precision grid. In the GridCell, the entity's Transform is relative to the center of that cell. If the entity enters a neighboring cell, its coordinates are updated to reference the new cell's origin.